Well, yes and no. My experience with this via the 23 things instruction and activity tells me that RSS is a great tool for the disciplined, organized and efficient internet lover who knows what he or she wants. With this tool, those who know the frequent uses they wish to make of their web wanderings will have their tasks boxed and filed and at the ready on command. And if all those web-wanderings are job sanctioned necessary trips, more power to the RSS user!
For some of the others of us, however, here are an extra few steps to complicate an already busy and overwhelmed tangling of internet v. real life struggles that play out every day.
- Which sites are worthy to be added?
- How deep is my commitment to this one? If I put it on RSS, will I feel guilty if I ignore it?
- Wait a minute, who's in charge here -- me or the internet? me or my addiction to web wandering?
- How many RSS feeds is too many? Whoa, if I have that many RSS feeds, I need to face how much time I'm really spending on the internet! I thought I just popped into a few spots now and then. I thought I was really working most of the time, not goofing off.
An athlete -- no matter what the sport, no matter what muscles are most in play in the execution of his or her athletic endeavor -- an athlete must have a strong core. That is foundational.
We would do well to have a strong foundation in the ways we choose to order and spend our time, but how many of us do? It is hard to remember that the technology is supposed to serve us, and that we are not supposed to become ensnared by the technology and distracted from our original mission.